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In technique class, the Monday before winter break, Studio Via dancers will have their initiation and sibling party. Dancers will participate in a fun initiation ceremony where they will receive their spirit sticks...shh don’t tell the dancers, it’s a surprise.


On the same day, dancers will play a game where they will learn who their siblings will be for the season. They will fill out a questionnaire and ask their sibling about their favorite colors, different styles of dance, candy, ect. to be used for gifts later in the season.



During the Legacy Competition, dancers should bring their siblings a card and candy to their regional performance.



At the Showstoppers Competition, dancers should make a homemade sign on their sibling’s hotel room door. They will exchange them in dance class on March 3, two weeks before the competition.



For the last competition, the dancers will give their siblings a charm to put on the charm bracelets they received in the past years. (If your child doesn’t have a charm bracelet, there is a plethora to choose from at Michaels and/or Hobby Lobby).



For the last competition, the dancers will give their siblings a charm to put on the charm bracelets they received in the past years. (If your child doesn’t have a charm bracelet, there is a plethora to choose from at Michaels and/or Hobby Lobby).

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